Pris 350 kr.
Min gode FM tuner (og forstærker) fra midt-90erne er blevet udskiftet med noget mere kompakt, så den må finde et nyt hjem : o [
Men dette er hvad der blev skrevet om den:
“An exceptionally high quality FM/AM tuner, with 12 FM and 12 AM presets, the 402 caries only the features needed to enhance signal selection and maximize its clarity and strength, without complex circuitry.
Via the search button, the 402 will auto scan successive strong signals, the Tune facility will
select with great accuracy, weaker more remote signals and finally the Blend circuit reduces noise on such weak stations whilst retaining stereo imaging.
The audible result is crystal clear broadcast sound.”
Se mere information her: 2.shtml
Vy 73 de OZ7IS, Ivan.